* Monitoring: Students meet with the Gifted co-ordinator to review academic, social, and extracurricular progress. This could occur a few times per year or more often if needed.

* Exam and Study Skills Workshops: Students, especially in Grade 9, become famililar with good study skills habits and examination preparation hints.

* Scholarships & Letters of Reference: Graduating students are advised on how to keep a scholarship portfolio to ease applying for university scholarships. Students are advised of scholarships in co-operation with the Guidance department. The gifted co-ordinator is happy to proofread university applications and provide letters of reference.

* Gifted and Enrichment Centre:  The Centre is located in the Jesuit Commemorative Library in Room 112B. Here students can find computers and internet access, information on enrichment activities and credit options, help with course modifications, and fellowship with other academic peers. 

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